Hello! Yes, I know it’s been a while and I am sorry for the delay in posts. We’ve been extremely busy the last several months and most of you have kept up with us on Facebook, which would have me worrying about you all if we were only getting single digit likes and shares, but there are people that enjoy a good introspective look into our barbecue business through our blog, so I thought I would give you all a nod and say thanks. Thanks.
Let’s see, what have we done since July 4th? Well we won third place in chicken in the Downtown Jonesboro State Championship BBQ Contest and sold a couple hundred gallons of sauce and rub. We clowned around, promoted Patrick, bought some Maypop tires for the clown car, prayed for Lynn and Ryan during the hurricane that hit the Florida Keys, listened to the new Flatland Funk Donors album, dropped the old radiator out of the clown car, drank a few beers, watched football, shot rifles at the range, made hundreds of gallons of bbq sauce, sold some sauce to some friends and family, made our youngest of fans happy, played stupid games, won stupid prizes, and worked our normal jobs.
We also upped our supply at Cregeen’s, collaborated with Travis McAlister, and put some new dishes on the menu for you all to enjoy if you’re in Jonesboro. For real though, go eat the Quail Sliders there. My god man. They’re insanely tasty and are paired with our Alabama style white sauce.
All in all it has been a pretty good summer and we’re happy to continue making our great products with you all. Now here’s a picture of Michael hanging out with Alf for all of you to collectively say “awwww” to yourselves. Enjoy.